As most of you will know, I HAD a madness interactive mod by the name of Birdness interactive, It passed judgment years ago and received positive reviews from most of the community, so can anybosy explain why the flaming F***
it was removed from newgrounds?
18:57 (50 minutes ago)
to me
Thank you for submitting to Newgrounds!
Unfortunately, your submission has been removed by site administrators. Your submission may have been removed for one of the following reasons:
1. Your entry may have been believed to be stolen. You may only submit content that you produced and to which you own the rights.
2. Your entry may have been malicious. An example would be an entry that spawns endless pop-ups.
3. Your entry may have been hateful or racist.
4. Your entry may have contained excessive pornography. Examples are porn slide shows or videos.
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This is the message you usually get when a submission under judgment gets removed, yet I received it for this.