Friday 18th march XD
The grand FAQ:-
Q:Which of the characters are based on your friends?
A:St3v3,Breeze,D-Bomb,Lethal,Mop head,Bob,Green.
Q:When is the next on going to be released?
A:Dm_Trench is only just released! give me some time...
Q:What awsome forum do you go to?
A:This one: dex.php
Q:How many more episodes are you planning?
A:Hmm, I'll probably do 6&7 Then I'm done.
Q:Any chance I could have a character?
A:A slim chance if you join the forum.
Q:How can I help with future episodes?
A:By sitting there and shutting up.
Q:Anything about seed Assault IV
A:No, I'm afraid that it is still post poned.
Q:Are you male or female?
A:What a stupid question, of course i'm a male.
Q:What games do you play?
A:COD5, CS:S, CS2D, Halo:Reach, Left 4 dead 2 & Flatout.
Q:What games console do you prefer?
A:Xbox 360.
Any more questions? Post them below!